Saturday, March 31, 2018

How to build a civilization

To build a functional country form scratch. What you need first is to feed the people, produce enough food and the eliminate the starvation. After that we talk about education. Then we start to develop the economy to make people rich. After that we should have enough spare time to waste on the politics. There are priorities and sequences.

A most powerful country used to do a lot ideology propaganda to the world. In some cases, they destroyed a countrie's old government and set up a new democratic one. It surely turned out a catastrophe as it happened.

That most powerful country might forget that today's democracy among the west was not realized overnight. Remember the days when black slaves were traded and the days when women were not allowed to vote. Even remember the days when an empire could has official pirates and licenses to kill.

A civilization is developed step by step. But due to the short history of that country, they may not understand that and probably would continue to make more troubles to the world.

Just a little thought at night.

发自我的 iPad

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Internet Archeology

Just found old sat pictures of my hometown, taken in 2005. That block has changed a lot since then.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Meanwhile in Delft

Out of apartment


