Tuesday, June 20, 2017


我承认我确实没读完,但我只要一看标题 link就知道内容了。BBC的记者真的是愧对他手里的那只笔,愧对他受过了这么多年的教育,愧对BBC这个非营利机构为提供尽量不带有偏见报道的初衷。



看了这么多年的新闻,我发现这些报道并不是 fake news,Trump所说的假新闻应该还是少数,更多的则是distorted news,扩大解释的话也可以当作fake news的一种。


Advanced CIA firmware has been infecting Wi-Fi routers for years: 'Home routers from 10 manufacturers, including Linksys, DLink, and Belkin, can be turned into covert listening posts that allow the CIA to monitor and manipulate incoming and outgoing traffic and infect connected devices.' from worldnews
It is a political correctness in the US to bash China or Russian being the leader of cyber espionage while at the same time redditors are having intense discussions of NSA and humor. It is you that told us to buy American to help protect the privacy because they are more trustworthy and ``luckily'' I bought a TP-Link. Since cyber hacking is a new norm and everybody is doing this so please stop blaming. It is a little bit hypocritical.